Monday, June 10, 2013

Writing Positions AKA How to Not Write Like a Normal Human Being

It’s raining outside, lovely readers, and I’m sitting in my living room listening to the ‘Beautiful Creatures’ soundtrack and watching rain pelt against the windows.

Sounds quite romantic, doesn’t it?

WELL, it’s not.

I’ve so far spent a couple of hours writing out here and I cannot for the life of me figure out the ideal writing position.

Let me explain: I’m a very active person. It’s difficult for me to sit for long pockets of time early in the day. At night, it’s not so much of a problem. But when I end up sitting at a table or on a couch for hours before, say, 7 PM, I get restless. And, frankly, sitting for a long time makes my butt hurt.

Today, I tried to remedy the gap between what I want to do for a few hours in the mornings (write the Expressive Kitty novel) and what my body wants to do (dance, pet the cat, walk around, do squats, pretend to be a ballerina, whatever.) So far it is not going so well…

I started out sitting. It was easy because I was eating a sandwich and drinking coffee so my body had something to do while I sat at the table with my computer. When I was done eating, I put my dishes in the dishwasher and sat back down, thinking now was the time to get some real work done.


After a few minutes of this position, I needed to get up. So, I ended up standing and leaning over the table as I wrote.

But, no, this was too much of a strain on my back. How about squatting?

Have you ever tried to concentrate on anything but the pain in your legs while squatting? It’s impossible. So, the next best thing was to put my laptop on a pile of Disney DVDs and write standing.

This worked for a while, until my legs started to get tired. And I don’t mean tired from standing, I mean the kind of tired you feel when you stand in one place for a long time without moving around.

Well, I can’t very well walk around my apartment, balancing my computer on one arm and typing with the opposite hand (…yes, I may have attempted this. Don’t judge me.)

So, you see, fair readers, this is my conundrum. I ended up with half of me sitting on a chair while the other half stretched to the side while writing this blog post.

…Then, I got restless and stood.

And, I know what you’re going to say, lovely readers. A treadmill desk would fix all your problems! Well, you may be correct. Unfortunately,

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