Friday, June 7, 2013

A Cupcake Walks Into a Bar.

To tell you the truth, I was not too sure what this post was going to be about until just now. Just. Now. Just....Now.

Okay, inspiration, you can hit me now.

The title, you ask? No idea. I should make a funny joke out of it:

A cupcake walks into a bar. It has pink raspberry, cream cheese frosting and a deep chocolate interior, with glinting silver sprinkles on the top. For some reason, however, it doesn't look too happy. Actually, it looks downright annoyed. The bartender watches as it waddles up to him, hoisting itself onto a barstool.
"Frank." The bartender greets the cupcake with familiarity. "What's the word today?"
Frank the cupcake sighs and leans his wrapper against the bar. "Well, it's sprinkling out."

HAH! HAH! GET IT!? The cupcake has sprinkles!'s...sprinkling...outside. Which is how the sprinkles... ... got there... :D?

I should probably stick to stories and baking, huh?

1 comment:

  1. Jokes are good things. A change of pace is nice every once in a while.
