Friday, April 19, 2013

Expressive Kitty's Recap

Today’s post is bound to be more somber than posts before. This week has been crazy. Bombings in Boston. Then shootings. Right outside my sister’s lab. Staring at photos of the aftermath of the marathon terror in disbelief.

Of course, being the world this is, everyone was quick to blame someone. Anyone. It’s how humans function psychologically. It is easier to blame than to grieve. There is less fear when you think you know who accomplishes unnecessary acts of violence. And innocent people always get pulled in.

But I’m not here to preach. I’m not here to explain that every person is an individual and terrorism is not confined to a certain race or religion. I’m not here to tell you that it seems the police have discovered the perpetrators of these heinous crimes and we may never learn their motives. I’m not here to coach you on how to grieve instead of blame.

I’m just one person sitting at my dining room table in New York City, vaguely wondering if the sun will come back or if the clouds have finally won their battle. I’m one person relieved that the people she knows in Boston are safe, despite having been through a bombing and a shooting. I’m one person who, because of Wakes and Spirits, Expressive cats, good music, friends, family, animals, baking, running, swimming, business plans, novels, and chocolate – has not given up faith in this world.