Monday, April 15, 2013

Expressive Kitty Attends RED WAR

Picture this. Sunday, April fourteenth. Central Park. Bathesda Fountain. It’s sunny, but not entirely warm. The wind is blowing. The clouds are obstructing the blue sky above.

There’s a marathon going on. Music is playing. People are cheering. Contestants are running. Tourists are gathering. Everything is sunny. Everything is normal. Everything is fairly calm.

But then…wait a minute. You’re standing next to the fountain and you realize something’s happening. Something’s different. There’s a red card next to your left sneaker that you could have sworn wasn’t there before. You bend down to pick it up. It’s a business card. Thin, with sharp edges. Covered in red with white, block letters. It says…Red War. You flip it over and find a code. A computer code. You glance up and suddenly everything’s changed.

You’re in a universe where people are dressed in all white. Others in all black. Three in all red. Trees are marked with tape – black on one side of the fountain, white on the other. People are milling around with war paint on their faces – thick, crude lines and grim expressions. You step back against the fountain. Your eyes are wide. Your mouth is dry. Your pupils have dilated. You’re caught in the middle of a war.

And everything stops for a moment. Just a moment. Where those in black and white have all dispersed into the rocks. Behind the trees. And the sun’s rays are glinting off of the fountain water. The wind stills. All sounds disappear. You know something is about to happen. You breathe in. A horn sounds. And everything goes black, white, and red.
I'm afeared. 
What I mean to say with that short little excerpt from nowhere is I was in Central Park on Thursday running around with some of the coolest people I’ve ever known in huge game of what can only be called a cross between assassins and humans vs zombies. Everyone had a piece of tape on their backs and my fellow Wakes and I were sprinting in every direction taking those Spirits down!
It was the craziest, weirdest thing I have ever done on a Sunday. Prognosis? It was so much fun and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. 

In other news, here is a picture of some Carrot Cake Cupcakes I baked. Enjoy drooling. 

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