Tuesday, January 27, 2015

An Expressive Explanation

Expressive Kitty is BACK, internet! And, this time, it's for good. I know it's been a long time. I know how much the Kitty's fans have been pining for a new post...

But, trust me, I've had reasons to be negligent. I've been dealing with a lot since my post from last summer, and very little of it has been fun. For example, I've had to contend with...

1. School

2. Work
I actually love those kids, to clarify. 

3. Graduate school applications

4. Spoiled, 'adult' brats who don't deserve my time (but I for some reason give it to them anyway.)

5. Partying

6. Procrastination

And, the more debilitating issues -

7. Depression...

8. An eating disorder...

9. Anxiety...

The final three are manageable when not exacerbated by any of the first five. Unfortunately, school was unavoidable, I need work to live, graduate school applications needed to be done, and I've dated a lot of brats.

But, I recently realized something.

THAT is why I have Expressive Kitty. I realized this after a drunken phone call from someone from my past who obviously didn't deserve me, but really, truly hurt me. The call sent me spiraling into a depressive episode that abated a mere two days ago and, it sounds crazy, but Expressive Kitty was able to help me out of it. To all of you (for now, at least) he is just a cute, fat, fun, cynical cartoon who is kind of a jerk sometimes.

To me, he's been the figurehead for my business, which keeps me motivated to work hard. And, to be fair, he is all those things.

But the core of his character is so much more.

You see, I believe everyone has an Expressive Kitty in them. He is the confident, self-serving, motivating, ass-kicking advice-giver that resides within every human being. He can be overshadowed to varying degrees, of course (hello, depression!)

but, if you stop to listen, I mean REALLY stop, and REALLY listen, you will hear him goading you toward thinking as highly about yourself as he thinks of himself. And to say 'fuck off' to everyone and everything that tries to get you down. Basically,

he can handle anything, which means you can handle everything.

So, the next time you find yourself in a tough spot, or struggling, or sad, or just dealing with a lot of things, just ask yourself: What Would Expressive Kitty Do? Here are a few examples:

What Would Expressive Kitty Do about school stress?
And, yes, I graduated. 

What Would Expressive Kitty Do about work anxiety?
I teach a baking class, so this is semi-accurate. 
What Would Expressive Kitty Do about falling for complete idiots?

What Would Expressive Kitty Do about Depression? Anorexia Nervosa? Anxiety?

What Would Expressive Kitty Do about procrastination?

... Oh. Maybe that's the problem.


<3 Good to be back, internet. Next week, look out for Expressive Kitty's take on Undergraduate School and Graduation.

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