Friday, February 1, 2013

How to Get a Haircut

I finally got my hair cut this week! Let me tell you, loving to swim has its perks, but what chlorine does to my hair is not one of them. I have to spend all of my money on special swimmers shampoo and ultra-hydrating conditioner and even that doesn’t stop the chlorine from messing with my luscious locks.
Yeah, I said it. 
Exhibit A: I usually get my exercise from running, swimming, and yoga (except, you know how yoga is supposed to be super relaxing? I happen to become substantially more angry when I do yoga because I have this yoga DVD where a woman is speaking in the background in a really soothing voice. Honestly, I would rather have a yoga instructor speaking in a normal voice that I have a legitimate reason to hate than this soft voice that I end up resenting because WHY IS SHE SO CALM WHEN I’M IN SO MUCH PAIN!?). Anywho, at the beginning of the summer I injured myself running on a treadmill. How does that happen, you ask? Simple! You fall…

Like this!

 My knees got all banged up (I have scars!) and something got jammed in my hip. So, in my infinite wisdom, I decided that swimming would have to do for my six-day-a-week workout. Let’s just say my hair went from being its natural dirty blonde to looking like I tried unsuccessfully to evenly highlight it…

It was an awkward summer...

Exhibit B: Swimmers will understand. No matter how much hydrating product I put in my hair, it will still be a casualty in my pursuit to remain healthy by swimming. The first time I had been swimming for weeks and went to get my haircut, I was greeted with this horrified exclamation: “You have dreadlocks!”

He's got to work on the full-body paint thing...
The hydrating products help, but the ends still get damaged. Which brings us to my haircut earlier this week.

I’ve been trying to grow my hair out, but I realized about a month ago that, because the ends were so damaged, it wasn’t growing at all. So I dutifully made an appointment, bounded over to the hair salon, and sat in a chair facing a huge mirror. Since I hadn’t had a haircut in so long, however, I kind of forgot that sitting for a little over an hour in a chair, especially for someone like me, can be a little difficult.

What do people do during haircuts? I was a bit tired at that point, but I don’t think falling asleep would have been the best idea.

Reading a book or a magazine doesn’t seem to feasible either.

I have this terrible habit of talking too much...

Listening to music would be okay for normal people, but for me it would have disastrous results.

…Especially when the songs reach a dance break.

 And I’m guessing baking is out of the question.

In any case, I just ended up making faces at myself the whole time.

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