Monday, January 28, 2013

The Brave Traveler Recaps

Now that winter break has come to an end, I feel an overwhelming desire to recap my newfound bravery when it comes to traveling. I’ve honestly never been great with going places. Being in another venue is awesome; it’s the getting there that freaks me out. I remember with such fondness summer trips upstate with my family, driving in a car for five hours, blowing chunks into a bag in the backseat…Ah, memories (this was, of course, before I discovered Dramamine.)

Then there was that trip to visit my sister in Boston where my bus broke down at an Arbys in Connecticut on the way back.


And those are just a few examples. The internet may not think traveling to both the Cleve of Land to visit my brother and to Boston to visit my sister is such a big deal, but, trust me, it’s an incredible feat.
Seriously, I deserve a medal. 
And, not only am I proud of myself for the getting places part, I’m also amazed at the incredible beauty that can be found in the most unexpected places. Let’s take Cleveland, for example. To be honest, I visited my brother to meet his cat (HI HUBERT!)…Kidding, kidding. But, honestly, I wasn’t too sure what to expect from the place. Was there anything to do? Was there anywhere to go? What did people…do all day? Obviously, I was picturing it as a really pretty, yet barren land. Like this one: 

He thinks he's a wandering dwarf.
But, thankfully, I was wrong!

It turns out, there is a lot to do in Cleveland (besides play with Hubert.) I was able to eat some incredible food (one of my favorite venues being ‘Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream’) and see some beautiful sights, like a vine-covered Cathedral.

Boston was a little more predictable, seeing as I’ve been there several times before, however, I had new adventures, such as almost running off of a bridge, riding around on a mini motorized go kart (and using an incredible amount of self control NOT to ram it into someone’s foot,) eating delicious pastries at Flour, and stuffing myself with homemade frozen yogurt!

So, here are a few pictures from both Cleveland and Boston in honor of the Brave Traveler’s bravery in…travel.

A lovely hand mural I saw in a Cleveland Cathedral. 

…Well, that’s new.

No, no. I’m pretty sure I would have noticed if one of my own creations was walking around in front of me.

Actually, I don’t even think you can walk.

Excuse me, my drawing technique is just fine.

Okay, okay, NOTE TO ALL READERS: This pain in the neck was NOT, I repeat, NOT physically present during my trip to either Boston or Cleveland. Thank you.

Ah, now that’s better.

…Classy. Very classy. 

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